Infant Classroom

Welcome to the Infant Classroom!

Enrollment in this classroom is for children ages 6 weeks to 18 months old. The room is divided into two sides, one for infants and one for wobblers. Types of play will vary dependent upon the age of the child. Examples of play include songs, blocks, balls, books, and mobiles. Gross motor skills such as sitting, crawling, and walking are encouraged and part of the daily schedule.

Parents provide items such as diapers, wipes, formula or breastmilk, and food. Once children reach 12 months old with ample teeth, they can be served our center-provided lunch. Children 12-18 months go outside regularly for buggy rides and play. A daily report is sent home every evening which details when your child ate, slept, fed, was diaper changed, and their activities. Every week you will receive a supply sheet which lists any items your child may need for the following week of care.

Staffing in the classroom meets the New York State Guidelines at a 4:1 adult to child ratio. Throughout the day our staff will disinfect toys, surfaces, and equipment with a NYS-approved cleaning solution. Our staff complete a minimum of 15 training hours annually pertaining to childcare.


Infant Classroom
Infant Classroom
Infant Classroom